Cathrineholm bowls blind design Cathrineholm bowls kitchen blinds design
Cathrineholm bowls Cathrineholm bowls seen in Mad Men boardroom


Interior design for kitchens looks to '60s Scandinavia



  • Digital print onto roller blind

  • These enamel bowls were always vessels of breakfast cereal and ice cream when visiting my grandparents as a child. After they died, the bowls were one of the few items of theirs I hung on to, and to this day get regular use and frequently delight guests with a good eye for design. It was only after seeing similar bowls featured on the boardroom table in Mad Men that I researched them a little further and discovered that Cathrineholm was the manufacturer. Coming from a Norwegian factory in the sixties, they are a great example of how a simple practical design, aimed at everyday use, can also become an iconic design. When I had a new kitchen fitted I needed a new blind for the window. It was a perfect opportunity to employ the #bespokelife ethos and celebrate this great design that had personal meaning to me.