Glastonbury festival of the performing arts line up poster 2016 fake


Graphic Design as internet mischief



  • Digital poster

  • As a fan and long-time attendee of the world's greatest festival, I spend much time in the run-up to the big weekend speculating on who will be playing. This poster was drawn up before any of the acts were announced, made up of educated guesses, wild speculation and wishful-thinking. It was released to the internet and soon went viral. As the first five acts were announced (all included here) my work became more and more convincing, to the point where Emily Eavis was questioned about it (her response; "fake!"), and the conversation was picked up by the Bath Chronicle, Bristol Post and a month Later, the North Devon journal. History did indeed prove it to be fake, but I correctly guessed 23 out of 66. And I had a great weekend.