Buro Happold Patrick Woodroffe Lighting Design event poster

Patrick Woodroffe: Lighting Design

An unexpected lesson is learned creating this event poster

Buro Happold


  • Poster for print and digital

  • Creating a poster for this fascinating lecture by Lighting Designer Patrick Woodroffe had its challenges. The images of his work that I was provided with although vibrant were all so small they couldn't appear as much more than thumbnails. I created a simple grid, added some spacing, tilted it slightly and added the typography. Not my best work, but effective in publicising the event.

    I showed it to a fellow designer who remarked 'I love the negative space!' I had no idea what he was talking about, but had a look at the image he was looking at on his screen. Due to an error, half of the imagery had been cut off in the sheer diagonal line you see. Instantly I knew that this accident had improved my original work no end. A lesson was learned - sometimes mistakes and accidents are to be embraced.